Our Story
Like all strong kiwi companies Fresh As was born through ingenuity. And the central ingredient was French Tarragon, a delicately flavoured plant only available during the short amount of time it was in season.
But with big demand from high-end chefs year-round, the challenge for vegetable supplier Tommy Roff was to find a sustainable way to fulfil their orders.
Freeze-drying was the answer, and with the marketing brains of Tommy’s school friend David West, Fresh As became the company, extending its ingredients to include fruit and a host of other eclectic products.
It’s not been completely smooth sailing - for six long years the only employees were Tommy and his two faithful Labradors. Even with the support of New Zealand culinary legends like Kate Faye, Michael Meredith and Ray McVinnie it took time for other chefs, professional and home-grown, to learn how to use Fresh As products.
But if there’s one thing Tommy’s learned from a lifetime in various businesses it’s self-belief and patience. Recognition in Australia’s culinary capital, Melbourne, proved a turning point, thanks to introductions by restaurateur Ben Shewry (he’s a kiwi at heart too) of Attica.
Now you’ll find the Fresh As brand in kitchens and pantries around the world. Innovation and experimentation is in our DNA. Even after 20 years of Fresh As we’re still looking for the next new flavour - have you tried our dark balsamic vinegar or gin & tonic?
Our recipe is simple - colour, flavour and texture from premium ingredients that’ll lift even the most ordinary of meals and treats to stylish, tasty, dare we say even instagramable masterpieces.

Freeze-drying removes moisture at sub zero temperatures without damaging the structure of the fruit. It produces crunchy fruit that retains the flavour, colour and nutritional value of the original product.